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Network Card Drivers
3COM NUBUS Ethernet driver (600 k) For System 6.
3COM SE Ethernet driver (486 k) For System 6.
3COM SE NIC driver (60 k) 3COM driver for their Mac SE NIC card for system 7.
First user contribution. (Thanks Tjabring!)
Apple's NIC drivers v1.4.4 (544 k, 800k disk image)
Apple's NIC drivers v1.5.1 (696 k, Mac HD image)
These installer packages include drivers for Apple's older (system 6, 7)
ethernet drivers & machines (Nubus, LC, CS).
I include NSI 1.4.4 since it is an 800k image and supports some 3rd party NIC cards.
NSI 1.5.1 dropped support for 3rd party NIC cards.
Asanté Ethertalk Installer Version - 5.6.1 (910 k, Mac HD image)
Asanté Ethertalk Installer Version - 5.2.9 (636 k, 800k disk image)
Use with Asanté 10Mbps Macintosh Adapters for NuBus, Commslot, LC, SE, SE-30 and PDS slots.
Also for use with Asanté EN/SC family of SCSI Ethernet Adapters.
Asanté Software Web site with other utilities & drivers
Cabletron Systems' Ethertalk Network drivers v4.00 (580 k)
This installer package includes drivers for Cabletrons Nubus, LC, SE/30 ethernet NICs.
Select custom install for SCSI to ethernet drivers.
Compatible Systems
Ether+ SCSI Installer v1.4.7b2 (508 k, 800k image)
Ether+ SCSI Installer v1.48 (452 k, 800k image)
Ether+ SCSI Installer v1.49b0 (440 k, 800k image)
Drivers for a rare, ancient Ethernet to SCSI adapter by Compatible Systems Corp.
Versions 1.48 and 1.49 may be a bit less reliable in certain instances.
Daynaport Ethertalk NIC drivers
v7.5.3 (508 k) - Drivers for all of Dayna's classic NIC cards.
DaynaPORT7.7.2.sea - Drivers for all
of Dayna's classic NIC cards.
Dayna Communicard 1.2.1 - Driver for the
Powerbook ethernet card.
Digital Communications Associates
DCA MacIRMA Driver Page
These drivers are for a Mac to IBM Mainframe network adapter card.
Dove FastNet III and SE/30 NIC drivers v2.0 (444 k)
Farallon Drivers FTP site
The Farallon FTP site has drivers for Nubus, PCI, LC, and SCSI NIC cards as well as several 3rd party network utilities.
Farallon Ethernet Installer 2.3 (468 k) Direct d/l from FTP site.
Farallon MicroSCSI1.1.2 Installer (570 k) Direct d/l from FTP site.
LAN/Modem PC Card Installer 2.02 (878 k) - Drivers, configuration utilities, and diagnostic tools for the Farallon LAN/Modem PC Card.
Focus / API Engineering
EtherLAN 4.2 Drivers (426 k)
EtherLAN SC 1.4.8 Drivers for their SCSI Ethernet adapters (332 k)
EtherLAN 1.1.3 Driver especially for the LC III (300 k)
Read Me for the above 3 files
These drivers will also work with API Engineering's Etherrun Card.
Older API/Focus driver v1.1 (296 k)
EtherLan 1400 Driver Driver for the Focus 1400 Powerbook ethernet NIC (92k)
Nuvolink SCSI to Ethernet adapter driver v1.4.4 (352 k)
The Nuvotech design was bought by Focus and became the Focus EtherLAN SC.
Shiva Etherport II Drivers (356 k, 800k image)
Shiva drivers for Shiva/Kinetics/Excelan/Novell Etherport II NuBus, SE/30, and SE
NIC cards. For both Systems 6 & 7.
Shiva NetSerial, EtherGate, Netmodem drivers and software
SMC Entry page for their Drivers
This is the driver for the PCI 10/100 ethernet card I have installed in my Starmax 4000 Mac Clone (not truly for Classic Macs!).
The card is marketed for PC's, but they have this MacOS driver on their web site.
Sonic Systems
Sonic Systems EtherLAN 6.1 Drivers (976 k) Drivers for their NuBus, IIsi, LC, SE, SCSI ethernet NICs.
Sonic Systems EtherLAN 7.8 Drivers (660 k) As above but also including their PCI NICs.
These packages have a nice readme file that details
installation of NICs in all of the machines including internal diagrams.
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Yahoo Group for discussion, uploads, requests. ©1998-2003 Bhavesh