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Input Device Drivers
5Sight Programming Collective
- PC
KeySwitch 1.0.0b1 - This small extension remaps the ALT and Windows keys
on a PC keyboard connected to a Mac. This makes the ALT key map to the Mac
command key and Windows key map to the Mac option key providing a Mac 'feel'
on a PC keyboard. This extension works for a PS2 keyboard connected to a Starmax
Mac clone's unusual PS2 port. It will likely work for PC USB keyboards as
- Mousekey 1.1 - Driver for their TrackMan
and MouseMan ADB devices.
- Joystick - Driver for early MacAlly adb
joysticks. FCC ID: 12BMAC-MJ01.
Mouse Systems
- MacTablet Install V3.0 (15 k)
- Summagraphics Mactablet MM1201 driver. It works on systems up to 6.0.8
but crashes on sys 7.0 +.
- SFX Plus - Driver for the Suncom SFX Plus
8 button gamepad works with up to 9.1.2
- Input Sprocket SFX Plus -
Input Sprocket for the usb mac version of the SFX gamepad.
Tri-Bar Sofware
- TheMouse2B v1.1 - Control panel which
makes the second button on a PS/2, USB or ADB mouse act like a control-click.
Works well with a PS2 connected mouse on a Starmax Mac clone (76 k).
Please use the MDM
Yahoo Group for discussion, uploads, requests. ©1998-2003 Bhavesh