Information from the early Apple era
The Mac Driver Museum
A Collection of Drivers for Classic Macs
Mobius 7.01 Fix from Nancy
I have the same software for my SE, and it's perfectly happy with 7.1.
I think I tried 7.5x unsuccessfully a few years back.
The floppy includes the attached extension, which may address problems
in 7.01.
The manual says:
"Mobius 7.0.1 Fix is provided for compatibility with Apple's System 7.0.1.
It should only be installed when using System 7.0.1. Installation under
other systems will cause malfunctions."
Note: The software on this site requires Stuffit
Expander and Shrinkwrap
for proper installation.
Please email me at: macdrivers@bigfoot.com
if you have drivers to contribute, suggestions, etc.
If a link is broken, let me know as I keep local copies of the drivers
linked on this site.
This page was last updated on August 28, 1998.